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Cities of Learning Community Call Digital Creativity in Blackpool City of Learning

Thursday, July 6, 2023 16:00 - 17:00
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Cities of Learning Community Call Digital Creativity in Blackpool City of Learning

Thursday, July 6, 2023 16:00 - 17:00
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Discover how Blackpool City of Learning is transforming their community by harnessing the power of digital creativity. They have unlocked endless possibilities for individuals to acquire essential 21st-century skills, empowering them to thrive in today's rapidly evolving world.

During this engaging session, you'll learn firsthand from the experts behind Blackpool's success. Gain valuable insights into their innovative approaches, practical strategies, and the tools they utilise to nurture digital creativity.

Whether you're an educator, a lifelong learner, or simply passionate about fostering 21st-century skills, this event is tailored for you!

Think Forward is coordinating Blackpool City of Learning and member of the Cities of Learning Network. and delivers unique, personalised coaching programmes for young people at a key stage in their lives, enabling them to overcome the challenges they face and make a successful transition into work. Every young person takes part in workplace activities to develop their life goals and readiness for work. They raise the voices of our young people and support employers to provide fair access to opportunities. Watch this Community Call where Think Forward shared their good practices and reasons for being involved in Cities of Learning Network. Watch their presentation and get involved!
Contact Think Forward at info@thinkforward.org.uk should you want to start with your activities on the Blackpool City of Learning platform and join the network.

Find out more about Cities of Learning Network. Check our social media profiles to join the next Cities of Learning Community call: Facebook page and LinkedIn profile.

Cities of Learning Community calls and videos produced thanks to the Erasmus+ co-funding for the Cities of Learning Network's operational capacity grant.

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Informacije o znački znanjaPotvrde
Badge earner joined conversations about Digital Creativity in Blackpool (UK) at the digital Cities of Learning Community call. Think Forward, as coordinator of Blackpool City of Learning shared their good practices and reasons for being digital creative and being involved in Cities of Learning Network. People joining this activity had opportunities to:
  • Learn examples from Blackpool City of Learning
  • Explore the intersection of digital creativity and 21st century skills
  • Share ideas or thoughts on what digital creativity means
  • Share which 21st century skills can be developed through digital creativity
  • Discover the benefits of being a City of Learning
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Participate in activity. Optional: share what you have learned, discovered and shared about Islands of Learning and possible cooperation.


#creatively use digital technologies
#encourage creative processes
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Cities of Learning Community Calls
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
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