The partners of Cities and Regions of Learning have developed an online platform and strategic partnership that promotes open and accessible learning opportunities for young people to develop 21st-century skills and earn recognition for their achievements.
Now it's time to shine! Attend the conference, where you will have chance...
- to discover the achievements of Cities and Regions of Learning
- to explore Mobility account and Mobility Ticket for European youth mobility
- to networking with others
- to celebrate 10 years of GOEUROPE!
Pridobite značko aktivnosti
This badge is issued for attending the conference "CONNECTING YOUNG PEOPLE FOR LEARNING IN EUROPE" which created opportunities
- to discover the achievements of Cities and Regions of Learning
- to explore Mobility account and Mobility Ticket for European youth mobility
- to networking with others
- to celebrate 10 years of GOEUROPE!The conference took place in Magdeburg, Germany on the 12th December 2019,
Izda organizator ali skeniranje QR kode
Look for the QR code, scan it and claim your open digital badge!
Lüttgen-Ottersleben 18A, 39116 Magdeburg, Germany