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Practice your facilitation skills

Monio g. 49a, Daugirdiškės 21343, Lithuania
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Practice your facilitation skills

Monio g. 49a, Daugirdiškės 21343, Lithuania
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Practice your facilitation skills!
You have 1 hour to run an educational session, where reflection plays an important role. Please choose a topic and define a clear goal what do you wish to achieve with your workshop. It should be linked to the challenges and issues of facilitating reflection in the non-formal learning/ youth work.
You have 5 hours to prepare the workshop together with your team.
Content: you may focus on providing certain experience to your participants, but at least 50% of your workshop should be dedicated to processing and reflecting the experience, understanding own role, feelings, the meaning of experience, etc.
Reflection moments can happen at any moment within that hour. It is not necessary to keep it at the end. It can be at the beginning or whenever you see that you want to stop the action and reflect on it.
Resources: anything you find. Use any location or environment, also outside the plenary room.
Spend at least 30 minutes after the delivery of the workshop and evaluate your team performance. Check the instructions attached below.
Facilitators shared some observations from the workshops. The summary is added in the materials below.


Pridobite značko aktivnosti

Facilitator of Reflection Pridobi to značko

This badge is issued for preparation, implementation and evaluation of the 1-hour long educational session in team with other peer learners. The educational session had a focus on one of the aspects or issues linked to the facilitation of reflection in the field of youth.
This activity was part of the training course "The Power of Experience".
Naloga št.1
Dokaze preveril: samopotrditev
Share what were your learning points from the experience of preparing and implementing educational workshop.


Monio g. 49a, Daugirdiškės 21343, Lithuania


#delati v skupinah
#work in cooperation with colleagues
#spodbujati ustvarjalnost v skupini
#analytical thinking
#govoriti v javnosti
#support less experienced colleagues
Kariera in pripravljenost za delo
Na seznam predvajanja dodan/a (1)
Potreben čas za dokončanje: 6 ura



Uporabljeno v seznamu predvajanja

Playlist "Reflection methodologies"
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