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GameOn Seminar in Cagliari


GameOn Seminar in Cagliari



This is the playlist for the International Seminar Game Design for Inclusion organised on November 14th to 18th 2022 in Cagliari by Associazione Interculturale NUR in cooperation with the partners of the Erasmus+ capacity-building project Game On: Inclusion through educational game design!

Game On brings together partners from 4 European countries with the main aim of upscaling our experiences in using game design as a tool for inclusion.
The project's goal is to develop a theoretical background and concrete educational tools for youth workers, teachers, and educators in general, to promote social inclusion and critical thinking through game design learning and educational activities in our local communities.

The Game Design for Inclusion Seminar is bringing together 30 participants from Italy, Lithuania, Serbia and Spain with the goal to:
  • share good practices about game design for inclusion (inclusion in game design processes, designing games which purpose is to promote inclusion), and multiply inclusive game design (through training, workshops);
  • support new international partnerships;
  • scale-up the project's outcomes through dissemination and multiplying activities and strategies.

The 3-days programme includes inputs from experts, workshops, moments of sharing, a presentation of tools for inclusive game design, networking and strategy planning, as well as an Open Event where we will be sharing our results and achievements with the local community in Cagliari.

This project is part of the Cities of Learning collaboration by partners of Barcelona City of Learning, Cagliari Metropolitan City of Learning, Novi Sad City of Learning and Vilnius City of Learning.
Partner organisations: Associazione Interculturale NUR (Italy), BalkanIDEA Novi Sad (Serbia), Idealúdica (Spain), Nectarus (Lithuania), Nexes Interculturals de Joves per Europa (Spain) and Universitat de Barcelona (Spain).

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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GameOn Seminar: Game Design for Inclusion
3 дня 12 часов
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Welcome to the International Seminar Game Design for Inclusion organised in Cagliari by Associazione Interculturale NUR in cooperation with the partners of the Erasmus+ capacity-building project Game On: Inclusion through educational game design!

Game On brings together partners from 4 European countries with the main aim of upscaling our experiences in using game design as a tool for inclusion.
The project's goal is to develop a theoretical background and concrete educational tools for youth workers, teachers, and educators in general, to promote social inclusion and critical thinking through game design learning and educational activities in our local communities.

The Game Design for Inclusion Seminar is bringing together 30 participants from Italy, Lithuania, Serbia and Spain with the goal to:
  • share good practices about game design for inclusion (inclusion in game design processes, designing games which purpose is to promote inclusion), and multiply inclusive game design (through training, workshops);
  • support new international partnerships;
  • scale-up the project's outcomes through dissemination and multiplying activities and strategies.

The 3-days programme includes inputs from experts, workshops, moments of sharing, a presentation of tools for inclusive game design, networking and strategy planning, as well as an Open Event where we will be sharing our results and achievements with the local community in Cagliari.

Some of the highlights of the seminar

Gabriele Mari, Italian educator and expert on board games used as educational tools, will kick-off the seminar with a workshop about how to design inclusive game design experiences.

In four rounds of parallel workshops and presentations, participants will have the opportunity to dig deeper into specific aspects of game design and inclusion based on their interests and needs.

Round 1 - workshops:
  1. Explore game mechanics that emphasize inclusion during gameplay with Eloi Pujadas and Noemi Blanch
  2. Try out the Go Deep game with Giulio Ferretto to asnwer the question: can diversity represent a richness?
  3. Play the game Amazing Island with Javi Quilez and learn about its design process and learning outcomes

Round 2 - presentations:
  1. Marco Cabitza and Claudia Caredda tell us about "Beauty is hiding", an experience of urban gamification created in Cagliari
  2. Ivana Markulić tells us about the design and implementation process of their participation game
  3. Albert Buch shares his experience in developing and facilitating a training course on inclusive game design, as a multiplier of the Game On project

Round 3 - workshops:
  1. Explore some techniques for boosting creativity in board game design with Dani Gómez
  2. Learn more about "The Island", a storytelling game developed by Shirley van der Maarel to discover about life in rural Sardinia
  3. Do Pokemons still exist? Find out with Audrius Laurutis in his workshop on how to use augmented reality in youth work

Round 4 - presentations:
  1. Noemi Blanch tells us about Game Based Revolution and the 7 levers of social change through games
  2. Geraldine Cruz shares her experience of game design with "Create your own data bank"
  3. Alexandar Trudic tells the story of how the game "Save the Axi's" came to be and what its aim is

During the Open Event, in a mini-fair setting, more local organisations will be invited to share their own good practices in using games and game design to promote inclusion. The Game On partners will also present the project and share the achievements and outcomes of the first half of our journey together.

This project is part of the Cities of Learning collaboration by partners of Barcelona City of Learning, Cagliari Metropolitan City of Learning, Novi Sad City of Learning and Vilnius City of Learning.
Partner organisations: Associazione Interculturale NUR (Italy), BalkanIDEA Novi Sad (Serbia), Idealúdica (Spain), Nectarus (Lithuania), Nexes Interculturals de Joves per Europa (Spain) and Universitat de Barcelona (Spain).

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


  • GameOn Seminar programme
  • More about the project

Получить бейдж за трек

GameOn Seminar Participant Получить бейдж

This badge is issued to people who participated in the Seminar Game Design for Inclusion organised on November 14th to 18th in Cagliari by Associazione Interculturale NUR in cooperation with the partners of the Erasmus+ capacity-building project Game On: Inclusion through educational game design.
To earn this badge, participants must complete at least one of the tasks described below.

The Game Design for Inclusion Seminar brought together 30 participants from Italy, Lithuania, Serbia and Spain with the goal to:
  • share good practices about game design for inclusion (inclusion in game design processes, designing games which purpose is to promote inclusion);
  • multiply inclusive game design (through training, workshops);
  • support new international partnerships;
  • scale-up the project's outcomes through dissemination and multiplying activities and strategies.

The 3-days programme included inputs from experts, workshops, moments of sharing, a presentation of tools for inclusive game design, networking and strategy planning, as well as an Open Event where the project's results and achievements were shared with the local community in Cagliari.

This project is part of the Cities of Learning collaboration by partners of Barcelona City of Learning, Cagliari Metropolitan City of Learning, Novi Sad City of Learning and Vilnius City of Learning.
Partner organisations: Associazione Interculturale NUR (Italy), BalkanIDEA Novi Sad (Serbia), Idealúdica (Spain), Nectarus (Lithuania), Nexes Interculturals de Joves per Europa (Spain) and Universitat de Barcelona (Spain).

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Для получения бейджа необходимо завершить 1 задание
Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: од_на организатор_ка мероприятия
What were the highlights of the seminar for you?
Did you learn something new, or maybe meet someone that you'd like to cooperate with in the future?

To earn this badge, share at least one idea, tool or good practice from the Seminar that inspired you and that you are taking back home with you.
Задание номер 2
Доказательства проверены: од_на организатор_ка мероприятия
Which workshops and presentations did you take part in, during the Seminar?
What did you learn from the experiences that were shared by the presenters?
Do you think that what was shared can help you in your future work with game-based learning and inclusive appraoches?

To earn this badge, share which workshop or presentation was your favourite and why!
You can use the above questions as inspiration, but it's not mandatory.


Via Sassari, 45, 09124 Cagliari CA, Italy
GameOn Seminar: Open Event
2 часа


#create educational resources
#stimulate creativity in the team
#disseminate information
#work in teams
#develop professional networks
#disseminate research findings
#share ideas
#promote inclusion
Мероприятия: 2
Начато: 19
Завершенный плейлист: 11
Время на выполнение: 3 дня 14 часов


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