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Associazione Interculturale NUR
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1 Sep, 00:00
Angajament civic
ARCO - Giovani community managers per l’attivazione delle comunità rurali
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#plan teamwork, #work as a team, #organise participation in local or international events, #engage in citizenship through digital technologies, #liaise with local authorities, #advocate youth work in the local community, #promote awareness on important local issues, #plan youth activities, #promote youth work in the local community, #campaign for youth work in the local community
5 Feb, 16:00
Technology and computers
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#collaborate with stakeholders, #Skills to integrate digital tools, media, and environments in the activities when needed and beneficial, #Applies appropriate methods and digital tools for assessment and self-assessment of their own learning achievements, #Assessing one’s own learning achievements and competences
29 Jun, 15:00
29 Jun, 15:00
10 Dec, 17:30
Pregătire pentru carieră și loc de muncă
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#protect health and well-being while using digital technologies, #protect the environment from the impact of the digital technologies, #Transversal skills/competences, #analyse your expertise, #encourage students to acknowledge their achievements, #develop personal skills
24 Nov, 16:00
Pregătire pentru carieră și loc de muncă
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#liaise with colleagues, #develop professional network, #maintain updated professional knowledge, #manage personal professional development, #cooperate with professionals, #interact verbally in English, #use digital instruments
Technology and computers
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#polling techniques, #gather data, #prepare survey report, #protect health and well-being while using digital technologies
Technology and computers
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#think analytically, #stimulate creativity in the team, #provide training on e-learning, #think creatively, #e-learning software infrastructure
Technology and computers
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#protect health and well-being while using digital technologies, #conduct public surveys, #polling techniques, #investigation research methods
Technology and computers
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#journalism, #assemble video tape footage, #present reports, #manage data, #prepare survey report
18 Dec, 16:00
Associazione Interculturale NUR
#language, #tell a story, #work in teams, #support cultural diversity, #demonstrate intercultural competence, #speak different languages, #communication, #teach intercultural communication methods, #show intercultural awareness, #use artistic materials for drawing
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