Learn from and about Islands of Learning at the Cities of Learning Community call!
- Learn examples from Islands of Learning
- Discover the benefits of being an Island of Learning
- Share cooperation ideas
Several partners from Islands of Learning shared their good practices and reasons for being involved in Cities of Learning Network. Watch their presentations and get involved!
Contact Nectarus at info@nectarus.lt should you want to start your Islands of Learning platform and network.
Plane, Plan it, Be it team, based in Cyprus Island of Learning, shares their reasons and benefits for being involved in the Cities of Learning Network.
Assonur team, based in Sardinia Island of Learning, shares their reasons and benefits for being involved in the Cities of Learning Network.
Curaçao Innovation and Technology Institute, based in Curaçao Islands of Learning shares their reasons and benefits for being involved in the Cities of Learning Network.
Cities of Learning Community calls and videos produced thanks to the Erasmus+ co-funding for the Cities of Learning Network's operational capacity grant.