Take part in the activity to sharpen your observation skills. One half of the group will get a task to put certain pictures from the "Zoom out" book to put them in an order by not showing image to each other, but using words to describe. Once the group decides on the sequence, they place images face down and then they open images face up to see the sequence. The other part of the group takes the role of observers. Their taks is to observe and later on provide their observations back to the group.
People who had a task to create a sequence debrief on the task: How was that experience? What was your strategy? What did help you to achieve the goal?
Observers provide their observations as objective as they can. Then there is debriefing on the whole experience: how much observers could capture objective information? What hinders observations? What is making influence on our observations? How can we observe better and how can we communicate that better to our learners? How observation is helpful in a reflection process?