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NLP and Systems Theory


NLP and Systems Theory



No Bateson, no NLP

A “System” to Bateson and his friends is a group of things that when they are put together in a certain way become greater than the sum of their parts. What??? For example: a pile of bricks when put together in a certain way with some cement, wood, glass, pipes and wire becomes a system called a “House”. The house is “more than” just bricks + cement + wood + glass + pipes + wires. People come and live in it and it becomes a home. People buy and sell houses, so they have a money value that has nothing to do with the cost of the “ingredients” of the house.When a system is working well we get what is called “Synergy”.

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NLP and Systems Theory Get this badge

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NLP treats people as very complex, unique, highly organised and (usually) effective systems. These systems then interact with other systems. To understand NLP, participants have to show that they understand this idea and that by changing one part of a personal system there will often be other consequences. It’s like when someone stops smoking, it’s not unusual that they might put-on some weight.
This badge shows that the participant of the international training, “Mental Health Promotion in the Youth Field”, has a grasp of the very basic ideas behind Systems Theory.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
  1. In just one or two sentences can you give a definition of what you think a system is?
  2. In Systems Theory, tell us what “Feedback” is.
  3. In Systems Theory, what is meant by “Ecology”?


#promote mental health
Personal development
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Time to complete: 45 minutes


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Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union