A badge is a digital micro-credential that represents learning, skill or achievement. On the Cities of Learning platform, badges are aligned to the 2.0 standard of Open Badges. Diverse organisations, businesses, institutions, schools, colleagues and universities use badges to validate and recognise learning and achievements worldwide.
You can use badges to guide and support learners through their learning, civic and career pathways.
Every published activity has an automatically generated badge. The description of the badge is automatically copied from the description of the activity concerned. Activity creators can add additional badges.
What can you do with Open Badges after you create an activity or playlist?
- Review and modify badge name and description to accurately represent activities completed. Describe anticipated experiences, skills, learning results.
- Specify badge issuing criteria and evidence review settings. Badges without evidence can be issued to emails or by scanning a QR code or earned by completing tasks included in the badge quest.
- Use this Badge design worksheet to think and add, if needed, additional badges to the activity or playlist. With more badges you can create unique pathways to guide and support learners.
- Share ready badges with learners, inviting them to participate in your activities and playlists!
Here you can find some helpful articles about making and managing badges on the Cities of Learning platform.
Watch the following videos to learn more about using Open Badges:
The Network of Cities of Learning offers this learning activity within the capacity-building project ‘Youth co-design learning, civic and career pathways’. We are grateful to the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme for co-funding support for this project.