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Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
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Activities Playlists


3 Apr, 10:00
Arts and culture
Calçada Passo a Passo
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
3 Jun, 10:00
Career and job readiness
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#Adaptation of complex concepts to digital platforms, #Adapt differentiated and more appropriate communication strategies when using digital technologies, considering cultural and generational diversity, in interactions within digital environments, #Adapt differentiated and more appropriate behavior norms when using digital technologies in digital environments Adapt differentiated and more appropriate behavior norms when using digital technologies in digital environments , #Actively manage risks and threats in digital environments, #Adapt strategies, tasks, and work routines to the digital environment, #Advocating for digital rights, closing digital divide and positive impact of digitalisation on societies, #Applies digital technologies, tools and e-learning where necessary/relevant in planning, designing, delivering and evaluating activities, #Choose digital tools and possible technological solutions to address these needs, #Accepts evaluation and impact assessment during and after the educational process as natural and important , #adult education, #adult students education, #Ability to include activities in the community during and after the project for wider impact, including hybrid and blended learning formats, #adult learning
Technology and computers
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#copyright and licenses related to digital content, #develop professional identity in social work, #maintain ICT identity management, #manage digital identity, #safeguard online privacy and identity
3 Nov, 14:30
Career and job readiness
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#adult education, #manage personal lifelong learning
Global world
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#2D computer-aided design for footwear
3 Apr, 09:00
Career and job readiness
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#English, #ability to comprehend spoken and written English and to speak and write in English, #communicate in English competently
5 Feb, 14:00
Environment end ecology
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#biodiversity sustaining, #protecting biodiversity, #protect biodiversity, #implement biodiversity action plans
Career and job readiness
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
#draft corporate emails, #follow agreed protocols
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union